2003 NHL Playoff Contest- Sponsored by Beverly Hills Bookie: OVERALL CONTEST STANDINGS FOLLOWING ROUND 2 OF PLAYOFFS


New member
Sep 21, 2004

2003 NHL Playoff Contest- Sponsored by Beverly Hills Bookie

Overall Standings- Alphabetical

anjac.........................Sides and Totals: (29-34-0) +14.40 Units, Series Results: (2-1) +18.60 Units, Total: +33.00
Augustus......................Sides and Totals: (26-24-7) +6.30 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: +6.30
Benjo.........................Sides and Totals: (23-16-2) +5.95 Units, Series Results: (2-3) +0.00 Units, Total: +5.95
Big10.........................Sides and Totals: (49-34-4) +6.20 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: +6.20
blkjk.........................Sides and Totals: (28-38-9) +8.40 Units, Series Results: (4-0) +32.40 Units, Total: +40.80
BoZZi.........................Sides and Totals: (21-23-3) +9.50 Units, Series Results: (1-2) +2.00 Units, Total: +11.50
Bron..........................Sides and Totals: (28-29-11) +17.25 Units, Series Results: (2-0) +9.40 Units, Total: +26.65
cam...........................Sides and Totals: (0-1-0) -2.00 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -2.00
CardFather....................Sides and Totals: (19-15-2) +27.90 Units, Series Results: (2-1) -6.80 Units, Total: +21.10
chriscol......................Sides and Totals: (8-12-1) -8.35 Units, Series Results: (1-1) +3.00 Units, Total: -5.35
cRaZy Jivin' IvaN.............Sides and Totals: (27-24-0) +19.10 Units, Series Results: (2-2) +0.00 Units, Total: +19.10
CrazyCanadian.................Sides and Totals: (29-36-14) -9.20 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -9.20
dani..........................Sides and Totals: (3-14-4) -15.40 Units, Series Results: (0-1) -2.20 Units, Total: -17.60
Dinero[PL]....................Sides and Totals: (16-20-4) +6.10 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: +6.10
don marco.....................Sides and Totals: (33-30-8) +35.70 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: +35.70
droc..........................Sides and Totals: (41-53-16) +10.20 Units, Series Results: (4-7) +25.20 Units, Total: +35.40
Early Speed...................Sides and Totals: (2-6-0) -3.80 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -3.80
eejit.........................Sides and Totals: (5-12-3) -12.60 Units, Series Results: (0-2) -16.80 Units, Total: -29.40
Egis..........................Sides and Totals: (0-2-1) -7.60 Units, Series Results: (0-1) -4.40 Units, Total: -12.00
EveryGamblersDream............Sides and Totals: (19-39-11) -17.55 Units, Series Results: (2-3) +10.00 Units, Total: -7.55
Gabriel.......................Sides and Totals: (11-9-1) -2.80 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -2.80
gambl0r.......................Sides and Totals: (13-18-0) +11.70 Units, Series Results: (2-0) +23.20 Units, Total: +34.90
giorg0s.......................Sides and Totals: (43-44-7) -9.65 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -9.65
GottaWinToday.................Sides and Totals: (14-19-8) -0.25 Units, Series Results: (3-0) +3.00 Units, Total: +2.75
grover........................Sides and Totals: (9-5-1) +7.40 Units, Series Results: (1-1) -2.00 Units, Total: +5.40
guysmiley.....................Sides and Totals: (29-21-5) -10.75 Units, Series Results: (2-2) -12.00 Units, Total: -22.75
hansen bros...................Sides and Totals: (17-19-4) -6.20 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -6.20
IceKing.......................Sides and Totals: (10-11-3) +2.50 Units, Series Results: (2-1) +5.40 Units, Total: +7.90
Long Live Sport...............Sides and Totals: (0-2-0) -3.60 Units, Series Results: (1-0) +4.00 Units, Total: +0.40
manly.........................Sides and Totals: (39-14-11) +34.40 Units, Series Results: (0-1) -12.80 Units, Total: +21.60
mgk222........................Sides and Totals: (47-30-9) +18.65 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: +18.65
Miklos........................Sides and Totals: (16-21-3) -7.30 Units, Series Results: (0-3) -15.00 Units, Total: -22.30
MT_Pockets....................Sides and Totals: (36-23-6) -5.10 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -5.10
nanuk.........................Sides and Totals: (14-13-4) +5.20 Units, Series Results: (1-0) +2.00 Units, Total: +7.20
NITRO.........................Sides and Totals: (4-12-1) -12.70 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -12.70
NorthernIce...................Sides and Totals: (9-13-1) +10.70 Units, Series Results: (0-2) -8.00 Units, Total: +2.70
parlayin......................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units, Series Results: (0-3) -12.40 Units, Total: -12.40
patlives......................Sides and Totals: (31-50-2) -9.95 Units, Series Results: (1-1) +6.40 Units, Total: -3.55
Patrick McIrish...............Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units, Series Results: (0-1) -32.00 Units, Total: -32.00
Peebs.........................Sides and Totals: (26-31-4) +3.25 Units, Series Results: (2-1) +2.00 Units, Total: +5.25
playersonly69.................Sides and Totals: (15-27-9) -27.10 Units, Series Results: (0-1) -12.80 Units, Total: -39.90
qs185.........................Sides and Totals: (7-17-3) -17.50 Units, Series Results: (1-2) +3.60 Units, Total: -13.90
raiders72001..................Sides and Totals: (6-7-0) -4.00 Units, Series Results: (0-1) -24.00 Units, Total: -28.00
Rosemary......................Sides and Totals: (15-18-5) -6.70 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -6.70
Rude..........................Sides and Totals: (23-41-4) -26.80 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -26.80
ScoobySnacks..................Sides and Totals: (26-26-6) +12.45 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: +12.45
scripter......................Sides and Totals: (25-45-10) -7.70 Units, Series Results: (1-1) +0.00 Units, Total: -7.70
sidingman.....................Sides and Totals: (17-36-8) -11.50 Units, Series Results: (0-2) -8.40 Units, Total: -19.90
Silver Pegasus................Sides and Totals: (30-22-8) +13.30 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: +13.30
SSI...........................Sides and Totals: (23-14-2) +12.60 Units, Series Results: (4-1) +6.00 Units, Total: +18.60
the gooch.....................Sides and Totals: (8-6-1) +0.95 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: +0.95
ThreeUnits....................Sides and Totals: (34-38-6) -33.80 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -33.80
Tru Canadian Undadawg.........Sides and Totals: (17-27-3) -16.70 Units, Series Results: (2-1) +5.20 Units, Total: -11.50
turkoman1963..................Sides and Totals: (4-11-0) -8.60 Units, Series Results: (2-0) +8.00 Units, Total: -0.60
Uncle B.......................Sides and Totals: (1-6-3) -8.00 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -8.00
vegasguy39....................Sides and Totals: (10-17-1) -9.85 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -9.85
winkyduck.....................Sides and Totals: (29-32-10) +13.45 Units, Series Results: (1-0) +4.00 Units, Total: +17.45

Overall Standings- Alphabetical

1. blkjk.........................Sides and Totals: (28-38-9) +8.40 Units, Series Results: (4-0) +32.40 Units, Total: +40.80
2. don marco.....................Sides and Totals: (33-30-8) +35.70 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: +35.70
3. droc..........................Sides and Totals: (41-53-16) +10.20 Units, Series Results: (4-7) +25.20 Units, Total: +35.40
4. gambl0r.......................Sides and Totals: (13-18-0) +11.70 Units, Series Results: (2-0) +23.20 Units, Total: +34.90
5. anjac.........................Sides and Totals: (29-34-0) +14.40 Units, Series Results: (2-1) +18.60 Units, Total: +33.00
6. Bron..........................Sides and Totals: (28-29-11) +17.25 Units, Series Results: (2-0) +9.40 Units, Total: +26.65
7. manly.........................Sides and Totals: (39-14-11) +34.40 Units, Series Results: (0-1) -12.80 Units, Total: +21.60
8. CardFather....................Sides and Totals: (19-15-2) +27.90 Units, Series Results: (2-1) -6.80 Units, Total: +21.10
9. cRaZy Jivin' IvaN.............Sides and Totals: (27-24-0) +19.10 Units, Series Results: (2-2) +0.00 Units, Total: +19.10
10. mgk222........................Sides and Totals: (47-30-9) +18.65 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: +18.65
11. SSI...........................Sides and Totals: (23-14-2) +12.60 Units, Series Results: (4-1) +6.00 Units, Total: +18.60
12. winkyduck.....................Sides and Totals: (29-32-10) +13.45 Units, Series Results: (1-0) +4.00 Units, Total: +17.45
13. Silver Pegasus................Sides and Totals: (30-22-8) +13.30 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: +13.30
14. ScoobySnacks..................Sides and Totals: (26-26-6) +12.45 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: +12.45
15. BoZZi.........................Sides and Totals: (21-23-3) +9.50 Units, Series Results: (1-2) +2.00 Units, Total: +11.50
16. IceKing.......................Sides and Totals: (10-11-3) +2.50 Units, Series Results: (2-1) +5.40 Units, Total: +7.90
17. nanuk.........................Sides and Totals: (14-13-4) +5.20 Units, Series Results: (1-0) +2.00 Units, Total: +7.20
18. Augustus......................Sides and Totals: (26-24-7) +6.30 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: +6.30
19. Big10.........................Sides and Totals: (49-34-4) +6.20 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: +6.20
20. Dinero[PL]....................Sides and Totals: (16-20-4) +6.10 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: +6.10
21. Benjo.........................Sides and Totals: (23-16-2) +5.95 Units, Series Results: (2-3) +0.00 Units, Total: +5.95
22. grover........................Sides and Totals: (9-5-1) +7.40 Units, Series Results: (1-1) -2.00 Units, Total: +5.40
23. Peebs.........................Sides and Totals: (26-31-4) +3.25 Units, Series Results: (2-1) +2.00 Units, Total: +5.25
24. GottaWinToday.................Sides and Totals: (14-19-8) -0.25 Units, Series Results: (3-0) +3.00 Units, Total: +2.75
25. NorthernIce...................Sides and Totals: (9-13-1) +10.70 Units, Series Results: (0-2) -8.00 Units, Total: +2.70
26. the gooch.....................Sides and Totals: (8-6-1) +0.95 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: +0.95
27. Long Live Sport...............Sides and Totals: (0-2-0) -3.60 Units, Series Results: (1-0) +4.00 Units, Total: +0.40
28. turkoman1963..................Sides and Totals: (4-11-0) -8.60 Units, Series Results: (2-0) +8.00 Units, Total: -0.60
29. cam...........................Sides and Totals: (0-1-0) -2.00 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -2.00
30. Gabriel.......................Sides and Totals: (11-9-1) -2.80 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -2.80
31. patlives......................Sides and Totals: (31-50-2) -9.95 Units, Series Results: (1-1) +6.40 Units, Total: -3.55
32. Early Speed...................Sides and Totals: (2-6-0) -3.80 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -3.80
33. MT_Pockets....................Sides and Totals: (36-23-6) -5.10 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -5.10
34. chriscol......................Sides and Totals: (8-12-1) -8.35 Units, Series Results: (1-1) +3.00 Units, Total: -5.35
35. hansen bros...................Sides and Totals: (17-19-4) -6.20 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -6.20
36. Rosemary......................Sides and Totals: (15-18-5) -6.70 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -6.70
37. EveryGamblersDream............Sides and Totals: (19-39-11) -17.55 Units, Series Results: (2-3) +10.00 Units, Total: -7.55
38. scripter......................Sides and Totals: (25-45-10) -7.70 Units, Series Results: (1-1) +0.00 Units, Total: -7.70
39. Uncle B.......................Sides and Totals: (1-6-3) -8.00 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -8.00
40. CrazyCanadian.................Sides and Totals: (29-36-14) -9.20 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -9.20
41. giorg0s.......................Sides and Totals: (43-44-7) -9.65 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -9.65
42. vegasguy39....................Sides and Totals: (10-17-1) -9.85 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -9.85
43. Tru Canadian Undadawg.........Sides and Totals: (17-27-3) -16.70 Units, Series Results: (2-1) +5.20 Units, Total: -11.50
44. Egis..........................Sides and Totals: (0-2-1) -7.60 Units, Series Results: (0-1) -4.40 Units, Total: -12.00
45. parlayin......................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units, Series Results: (0-3) -12.40 Units, Total: -12.40
46. NITRO.........................Sides and Totals: (4-12-1) -12.70 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -12.70
47. qs185.........................Sides and Totals: (7-17-3) -17.50 Units, Series Results: (1-2) +3.60 Units, Total: -13.90
48. dani..........................Sides and Totals: (3-14-4) -15.40 Units, Series Results: (0-1) -2.20 Units, Total: -17.60
49. sidingman.....................Sides and Totals: (17-36-8) -11.50 Units, Series Results: (0-2) -8.40 Units, Total: -19.90
50. Miklos........................Sides and Totals: (16-21-3) -7.30 Units, Series Results: (0-3) -15.00 Units, Total: -22.30
51. guysmiley.....................Sides and Totals: (29-21-5) -10.75 Units, Series Results: (2-2) -12.00 Units, Total: -22.75
52. Rude..........................Sides and Totals: (23-41-4) -26.80 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -26.80
53. raiders72001..................Sides and Totals: (6-7-0) -4.00 Units, Series Results: (0-1) -24.00 Units, Total: -28.00
54. eejit.........................Sides and Totals: (5-12-3) -12.60 Units, Series Results: (0-2) -16.80 Units, Total: -29.40
55. Patrick McIrish...............Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units, Series Results: (0-1) -32.00 Units, Total: -32.00
56. ThreeUnits....................Sides and Totals: (34-38-6) -33.80 Units, Series Results: (0-0) +0.00 Units, Total: -33.80
57. playersonly69.................Sides and Totals: (15-27-9) -27.10 Units, Series Results: (0-1) -12.80 Units, Total: -39.90

New member
Sep 21, 2004

I see some big mistakes in your standings.

I think I should be in first place with 75.70 units. (you got me right)

blkjk was at +58.40 prior to friday's game, and he won 3.40 units on his parlay yesterday.

he also won 10.40 units on series bets.

thats a total of 72.20, instead of 78.80 (posted in your <avaiable bankroll standings> ). he also has 2 more units tied up in future bets.

i would also like you to check the units avaiable for : droc, gamblor, anjac, bron, manly, crazy jivin ivan)

sorry if i'm wrong, but i think i have those numbers right.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
droc: 35.20 bankroll after friday's game. + 15.20 on futures =50.40

gambl0r 33.70 with friday's game +23.20 futures, = 56.90

and so on.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
don marco:

You need to consider that contestants receive back the original stake plus winnings on any series selection which is a winner.

In the examples that you have cited, I have reviewed the calculations and have the following results, which affirm the resilts that were posted:

- Bankroll as of Wednesday 07 May 2003: 58.40 units
- Contribution to bankroll from Thursday 08 May 2003 game selections: +3.40 units
- Contribution to bankroll from Anaheim series selection: +4.20 units
- Contribution to bankroll from Ottawa series selection: +5.60 units
- Contribution to bankroll from Minnesota series selection: +7.20 units
- Bankroll as of Thursday 08 May 2003: 78.80 units

- Bankroll as of Wednesday 07 May 2003: 27.20 units
- Contribution to bankroll from Thursday 08 May 2003 game selections: +8.00 units
- Contribution to bankroll from Anaheim series selection: +16.80 units
- Contribution to bankroll from Minnesota series selection: +14.40 units
- Bankroll as of Thursday 08 May 2003: 66.40 units

- Bankroll as of Wednesday 07 May 2003: 33.70 units
- Contribution to bankroll from Thursday 08 May 2003 game selections: 0 units
- Contribution to bankroll from Anaheim series selection: +16.80 units
- Contribution to bankroll from Minnesota series selection: +14.40 units
- Bankroll as of Thursday 08 May 2003: 64.90 units

Based on the fact that I have affirmed the results for the three examples that you have cited, I don't see a compelling reason to check the results for anjac, bron, manly and crazy jivin ivan. I am, of course, willing to respond to a specific question such as 'I don't agree with ivan's numbers on May 5th', but I am not willing to do a general review of a contestant's results unless a specific problem is cited.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
my bad jeff. i guess i messed up with all those numbers. i will have to update them tonight

thanks and sorry.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
by the way, i don't get this line.

Anaheim at MINNESOTA under 4.5 -115
Anaheim at MINNESOTA under 5.0 +170


New member
Sep 21, 2004
don marco: Thanks for pointing this out; I have changed it, but only because no one has made that selection. (I did toss a provision in the rules that contestants are welcome to post a selection off bad lines because once someone posts a selection off that line, there's no way that I can change the line.)

And, on a serious note, you may think that you were in first place or pretty close to it, but it's going to be an uphill battle for anyone to catch droc this round. He's guaranteed to go up 27 units on either Anaheim or Minnesota winning the conference, as he took both prior to Round 1 of the playoffs. That's a big jump out of the gates, although the increased number of units that can put on selections may help cut this down a bit quicker.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
you are welcome buddy.

yes, i noticed those bets by droc and it is quite amazing to see that someone picked those two teams like he did.

i don't know if you are from usa or canada, but here in canada, on a sports tv channel (tsn), there is a pannel of experts trying to pick series winners in each round, and they are also joined by a female monkey, yes a monkey.

and guess what, the monkey picked anaheim in both rounds so far, while the so called experts picked detroit and dallas

for this round she picked anaheim (again) and devils.

thanks buddy and have a great weekend.

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